Anjar Priandoyo

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The hidden job

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First time I work in C3, I never realized that the most important part of the job is to get the project (selling). At that time, I just think if I am the best in the company, the most unique, I can get the project, as the company’s brand is very strong, and there is only one unchallenged leader at that time. Within three years people leave the company, as they already know how to deliver the work. There might be something wrong with the C3, however at that time I did not know the hidden meaning of it, the hidden job behind the job description that showed.

In C5 I learned that the business model is totally different, yes it has the same function like the C3, but it is operate on different product, therefore I start to realized that there are some hidden job that is not explained at the beginning but it is crucial for the survival. In C5, this is where I learn the know and how to survive in company, that put the blueprint of my career decision. This is where I learned to sell the team, not only sell myself.

In C9, I start to realized things work quite differently and I will adjust for sure. First the title that described is not reflecting the actual work that should be done. The same like in C3, C5 and C7, the real job is doing the sales. Things that nobody never told in the interview, in the job description, by sales is not approaching client to sell, but to engage in the brutal office politics that secure the product

In C9 we are assigned to a corporate function. Corporate function means that you serve all the 40 division in the company at your specific roles. It is easy, as the corporate has a unique function e.g marketing, sales, HR, security. Doing the HR function for all 40 division is easy. However the hidden job is to serve the demand of 40 division. And I just realized, some people will smart enough to understand this rules and decided will not serve that hidden job, serve demand.

This is interesting actually, and I will the the same approach as in the C357, instead of doing the things that people will do, I am going to go with Robert Frost – The road not taken approach of this.

Keyword: career

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Maret 16, 2024 at 6:53 am

Ditulis dalam Career

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Coaching Jargon

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International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Coaching: Partnering, Creative Process, Maximizing Potential

Ref: Epic Fail: The Surprising Reasons Why Executive Coaching Doesn’t Work (Forbes 2019)
The Very Real Dangers of Executive Coaching (HBR 2002)

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

November 6, 2023 at 6:13 pm

Ditulis dalam Career

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Simple Life

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I am practicing management in my life now. Things always should be recorded (identify), can be divided (classified). Jangan lupa berdoa.

Functions of management:

  • Planning: creating a timeline of tasks that need to be completed to achieve a specific goal.
  • Prioritise organisation: the objective of organising is to nurture a symbiotic relationship between the personnel, financial and physical resources of the company.
  • Proper organising provides the course of action that meets all parameters for success. Organising involves the identification and classification of business activities, delegation and coordination.

The police are British
The cooks are French
The engineers are German
The administrators are Swiss
The lovers are Italian

The police are German
The cooks are British
The engineers are Italian
The administrators are French
The lovers are Swiss

German managers – both top and middle – consider technical skill to be the most important aspect of their jobs, according to the study. It adds that German managers consider they earn their authority with col­leagues and subordinates from this “expert knowledge’ rather than from their position in the organisational hierarchy. In sharp contrast, British middle managers see them­selves as executives first and technicians second. British managers are ‘generalists’ rather than ‘specialists’.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Oktober 30, 2023 at 4:17 am

Ditulis dalam Career

Business vs Risk

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Luck is matter. I found out the discussion on Quora on which one is better Risk Management or Internal Auditor. As a person that have been working as Auditor (External, Internal) and Risk Management. I found that most of Quora respond is quite accurate that Risk Management is better than Auditor -although little bit biased. The reason, I think it is because the trend -“the accountant profession is always trending”, therefore more opening on the risk function than internal audit. For example in risk management they began to include IT, include IFRS calculation, basically an officer function.

Quora: What is better in a banking career, risk management or internal audit? What is the explanation of risk management in banking?

  • How do you want to be “perceived” inside the business that you work in
  • Here comes the Auditor again – I wonder what I’ve done wrong this time
  • Internal audit, you’ll be hated by everyone. Everyone will work against you. If you start as junior you’ll have to do all the shit work yourself, but no one will take you seriously. For years. As junior risk manager you’ll be able to contribute much quicker.
    Also, there is a general level of distrust in the banking industry in particular, when it comes to risk management.
  • Most of the CCOs and CFOs have been badly exposed by risk professionals and therefore they tend to bring the Risk Unit under their direct influence. I wouldn’t like to work under any other department or line manager if that compromises my integrity. On the contrary, IAD – Internal Audit Department Roles are evergreen positions. BODs still pay a heck of a lot more attention to the BAC – Board Audit Committee Members!
  • The red flags offer all sorts of insights in risk management in a bank. It isn’t just “quantitative”, risk management is everything. Qualitative and quantitative.
  • Financial institutions are full of deadweight personnel who enter the building 7.59 and leave 16.59. And they follow everything by the book, rules, bureaucracy. It’s like a little mini government
  • The Main difference between a Soldier and Officer will be that a soldier is trained to be physically very much strong and he have to do what so over is ordered by his officer where in case of Officer he nee to be mentally very much strong as lot of lives of solders depend on him as his decision may put there lives in danger that’s why while selection process a soldier is Selected on basis of his physical strength where a officer is selected on basic of his mantel ability and how he can handle stress. Officers typically see little to no combat, though that depends on one’s MOS and unit. Some enlisted may see little to no combat as well. Officers NEED a college degree to be an officer. Similarity: Officers can hold different jobs than enlisted men (doctor, nurse, lawyer), and enlisted men can hold different jobs than officers. (Combat medic, Special Forces MOS except 18A, tank operators)

What is difference between a soldier and an officer?

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Oktober 21, 2023 at 5:27 am

Ditulis dalam Career

Comptia vs SFIA

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Menarik juga, baru tahu ada yang menggunakan Comptia sebagai pembanding dengan SFIA untuk competency mapping. Sekilas, Compatia ini cukup practical, straight forward

  • Sofware Development
  • IT Service Management: ITIL, PMP
  • Infrastructure and Cloud
  • Data & AI
  • Cybersecurity

Sebagai perbandingan SFIA

  • Strategy and Architecture
  • Change and Transformation
  • Development and Implementation
  • Delivery and Operation
  • People and Skills
  • Relationship and Engagement

SFIA ini jauh lebih detail menjelaskan fungsi, tapi juga punya beberapa kelemahan, karena berusaha memisahkan (mengdikotomikan antara fungsi dan tema). Security, Data, Agile dalam sudut pandang SFIA adalah tema.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Oktober 20, 2023 at 1:43 pm

Ditulis dalam Career

Calendar Prioritas

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Saya punya waktu 30 menit setiap harinya untuk merangkum apa yang sudah saya kerjakan dimasa yang lampau. Selalu ada warna merah, prioritas satu dimanapun kita berada. Dan selalu ada masa transisi yang super menyeramkan, sebagai contoh di W01 Harmoni itu masih ada transisi pekerjaan, dan hari yang paling menyeramkan adalah hari pertama sebenarnya, sama seperti sekolah, masuk hari pertama bisa menggambarkan (atau bisa juga tidak menggambarkan) apa yang akan terjadi untuk bahkan satu tahun tiga tahun kedepan.

Situasi vulnerable ini kadang digunakan orang untuk hal-hal yang tidak kita inginkan. Orang itu sangat peka dengan situasi yang sedang terjadi. Makanya proses di W02 juga terjadi transisi PC yang sulit dihindari, sama seperti anak yang berisik ditengah malam, akhirnya bisa dilalui dengan kombinasi tidak hanya sabar tapi juga kondisi tubuh yang sudah letih.

Dan yang paling menyenangkan adalah setelah satu bulan kalendar syncronization bekerja

Keyword: Calendar, Prioritization

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

September 22, 2023 at 5:39 am

Ditulis dalam Career

PhD submission problem: Count your blessing

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In every part of our life, there is a difficult decision to be made. However using quantitative approach actually all the question is easy to be answered. There are only two situation a 99% assurance situation and a 90% assurance situation. A 99% assurance is we can proceed to go to first option, while in 90% assurance, we can choose between first and second option, both of them are right.

If you had to choose between your parents and the one you love, whom would you choose?
What is more important to follow your dreams or to take care of your parents?
Is it better to find customers or start the business first?

I have an employee that always clocks out 5 minutes early. They seem to have a good work ethic but I recently have been questioning it. What should I do as a manager?

The chicken or the egg causality dilemma is commonly stated as the question, “which came first: the chicken or the egg?” The dilemma stems from the observation that all chickens hatch from eggs and all chicken eggs are laid by chickens. “Chicken-and-egg” is a metaphoric adjective describing situations where it is not clear which of two events should be considered the cause and which should be considered the effect, to express a scenario of infinite regress, or to express the difficulty of sequencing actions where each seems to depend on others being done first.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

September 2, 2023 at 5:49 am

Ditulis dalam Career

Orang IT

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Kemarin sempat ngobrol dengan seorang karyawan bank tentang apa yang menjadi prioritas pimpinan TI ditempatnya. Dugaan saya ia akan menjawab bahwa prioritasnya adalah availability system, bagaimana caranya system tidak down, system tidak lambat. Tapi ternyata jawaban si teman adalah “menghandle kebutuhan user”. Ini sebuah jawaban yang cukup mengejutkan.

Ternyata, meskipun sudah cukup berpengalaman dalam bidang TI, tetap saja ada blank spot yang kalau ditanya punya jawaban yang berbeda, bergantung dengan kondisi masing-masing client.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Agustus 1, 2023 at 3:14 pm

Ditulis dalam Career

The death of human capital (Brown 2020)

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A third of American is involved in education, It is estimated that close to a third of Americans are involved in education as students, teachers, college professors, or trainers.

This is a very good, if somebody ask you that how Master Degree will give benefit to the employee, the answer is that question is based on the assumption of Orthodox theory of education. Post-graduate education is sacrifice that made by people that want advancement.

This has a striking resemblance to the massive increase in college diplomas and degrees that bear little relationship to the requirements of the economy but contributed to the myth that we had entered the “age of human capital”

The orthodox approach treats investment in education and training as if it is a form of capital

Top 10 Education Problems

Basically the world is changing the old paradigm orthodox view on education that education makes you rich is no longer compatible.

1.Learning is not earnings
The relationship between individuals, education, and employment in an era of twentieth-century industrialism is no longer appropriate in an age of machine intelligence

2.Too much people working in education sectors.
It is estimated that close to a third of Americans are involved in education as students, teachers, college professors, or trainers. USAID melalui program PRIORITAS baru saja merilis hasil studi Supply and Demand (suplai dan kebutuhan) Guru Kelas Baru di Sekolah Dasar. Berdasar data rembuk nasional pendidikan dan kebudayaan 2015 yang dikutip oleh tim studi, disebutkan bahwa Indonesia masih kekurangan guru kelas PNS sebesar 282.224 guru, namun jika memasukkan data guru bukan PNS, maka ada kelebihan 82.245 guru kelas.

3.Social class, race and gender play significant roles.
Soviet Union, Daniel Bell described it as an “unjust meritocracy,” what Thomas Jefferson called an “artificial aristocracy”

4.Credential Inflation: Devaluing Credentials as a Currency of Opportunity

5.Job Scarcity is not Labor Scarcity
Is not lack of labor or educated labor, but lack of job (lack of business/employement/economy)

6.Myth of the Self-Made Individual
The idea that everyone could become a capitalist by investing in education and training as human capital was also politically appealing

7.Education is complex problem.
Nadiem: Aneh di Indonesia, Kekurangan Guru tapi Juga Kebanyakan Guru. “Penilaian kinerja guru nyambung sama sistem. Guru yang boleh ngajar mata pelajaran apa, nyambung kepada formasi yang dikatakan dari daerah kepada pusat. Nyambung kepada perekrutan guru, baik dari LPTK maupun PPG. Nyambung juga dengan bagaimana struktur pengajaran mata pelajaran di dalam sekolah. Semua ini nyambung nggak bisa diputuskan hanya satu ini,” sambung Nadiem.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Juni 25, 2023 at 9:26 am

Ditulis dalam Business, Career, Society

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Karir: Binary Choice Career vs Family

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Ternyata saya cukup banyak menulis mengenai karir. Biasanya saya menulis hanya dari satu sudut pandang saja. Sekarang saya mencoba melihat dari sudut pandang yang lebih luas. Work vs Life atau Career vs Family. Kesimpulan saya, karir itu binary choice, pilihan yang hitam putih. Untuk bisa berhasil dua-duanya tidak mungkin. Kalau ada yang bisa, hampir dipastikan 1 banding 1000. Lebih banyak yang tidak berhasilnya.

Masalahnya bukan saja sekedar pembagian waktu, betapapun waktu bisa dibagi, tapi ada faktor mental. Misalnya stress yang menular, e.g ketidakpastian keberlanjutan proyek itu bisa terbawa ke rumah. Sebenarnya saya dari dahulu mewanti-wanti untuk tidak menjadi programmer. Programmer itu membawa pekerjaan ke rumah. Tapi belakangan saya menyadari, bahwa bisa jadi programmer malah tidak membawa pekerjaan ke rumah. Bisa jadi yang dikira berat itu ternyata tidak berat.

Bisa jadi lembur tengah malam menjaga server itu justru lebih ringan dibandingkan terbangun ditengah malam menunggu keputusan kemenangan proyek. Menunggu menangnya proyek saja sudah stress belum lagi nanti memikirkan bagaimana mengerjakan proyeknya.

Jebakan karir di tingkat menengah

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Juni 1, 2023 at 2:33 pm

Ditulis dalam Career