Anjar Priandoyo

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Posts Tagged ‘Yearly

Yearly 2023

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Book list

I try to combine, for the very last in 2023 a posting for yearly, monthly and weekly at the same time. I prepared this in D-1 before the year changes, not after new year -as usual. This to gives me a time for reflection.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Desember 30, 2023 at 9:51 am

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Yearly 2022: Menuju Tahun Ganjil

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Pagi ini hujan gerimis, jam menunjukkan 04:42 pagi. Perlu kreatifitas memang untuk bisa membangun sesuatu. Daripada menulis catatan akhir tahun, sebenenarnya lebih mudah untuk menulis catatan akhir tahun dengan mengumpulkan catatan akhir bulan. Ini target yang realistis tentunya untuk tahun 2023. Ini tulisan yang panjang sebenarnya, I will leave it here.

What I have achieve in the last six years. Even (tahun-tahun ganjil) years is always interesting. However, for 2022 I don’t have significant milestone as 2021. In 2021 there was huge milestone on May 2021 that I started to run again. In 2022 might be the biggest achievement is swimming. However, I found that some things is better organized now. I have more trips (Japan, Bali, Mandalika, Jogja).


  • Sun 24 Sep 2023: Wow, super interesting. I need to write another catatan akhir tahun, because its is happened so fast that the story goes unpredictable.
  • Sat 7 Oct 2023: Is this self-fulfilling prophecy -a calm before the storm, Donald knuth simultaneous low level high level. Everytime I visit this notes, I started to realize that I already prepared myself for the situation that happened in 2023 (tahun ganjil). This is super interesting.

Keyword: self-fulfilling prophecy, the calm before the storm

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Desember 25, 2022 at 5:45 am

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Catatan akhir tahun 2021: Kopi Instan dan Google Maps

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Saya menemukan bahwa kopi instan ternyata punya rasa yang cukup enak, proses penyiapannya juga jauh lebih bersih dibandingkan dengan kopi sachet. Ini sangat menarik, karena bersamaan juga saya menemukan bahwa Google Timeline punya potensi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Google Notes yang biasa saya gunakan. Orang membutuhkan jam terbang untuk dapat mengerjakan sesuatu dengan baik.

Revisit: 30 Sep 2023. Sebenarnya ini bukan event terakhir yang terjadi di tahun 2021, tapi mungkin ini yang paling mendekati sehingga bisa saya buat menjadi yearly post. Pada dasarnya post yang mewakili kejadian selama satu tahun.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Desember 24, 2021 at 7:08 am

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Catatan akhir tahun 2020: Pandemic project textbook

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Project 06 is a textbook for doing project in the pandemic era. There are several key problems with this project

1.Scheduling (Onsite) Problem: How to organize people to be onsite, against their will, but still delivering the project.
The easiest way is to come to site. I did not hesitate to come. However, only around 20% of people that willing to come, the rest 80% of it did not want to come onsite. What is interesting is how they deal with this situation. First they think that they argue that similar project also can be organized without people coming onsite -which is sign of ignorant. Second, they think that escalation to management might resolved this problem -which is also a more blatant sign of ignorant.

I come up with different solution with this situation. First, I propose some kind of rotation schedule, originally I plan to get at least once every two weeks. Which is translated into around daily visit, as required by the project. But agreed to this schedule is difficult. Later on the rotation schedule is agreed at once a month visit – or from project point of view is a visit two times a week. Does it effective? not really as the client, expecting more interaction especially in the preliminary period of project. And even the agreed one does not mean people commit on the schedule. But, I feel very good with this decision. Order is established after a week, the onsite problem is settled after second week.

For future reference, onsite actually is not quite an issue, scheduling is. The key takeaway is how work should be distributed equally, known by all team member, and used as guideline.

2.Commanding Problem: How to have a unity command, in the hostile environment
A project should be begin with contestation. In a contestation every party involved will proposed a rules that favorable to them. One of them that proposed a lot is the one that most likely stronger than other. However stronger is relative. Project 06 for example show that the one of contender seems to have speak louder than other which actually still have another responsibility that makes him to work effectively.

I come up with different solution with this situation. Instead of listening and found a democratic mechanism, I found out that isolation is the effective way to have a unity of command. However, Isolation should be translated (javanese: ejawantahkan, diwujudkan. english: personification, embodiment: become tangible) by set of rules e.g access to sharing folder, access to meeting.

For future reference, contender is not competitor. It might challenge the order, but it might have a little chance. In Project 06 this might be effective. However, in Project 07 is not as the resources are lacking.

3.Desertion Problem: How to make decision.
In the third week, one of the forces in the project decided to stop working. There is certain level of fear that project will be halted due to this situation. I proposed certain forum that is created where several meeting is made to decided what the action against this situation. However, I found out that the purpose of this forum is not solve the problem but more to have an order. So the people inside is not panic. However in overall, I found that this effort is a bit useless.

Revisited: 30 September 2023. The year of 2020 is super interesting, it is the year that pandemic hit us. I am lucky that I get the job already in September 2019, otherwise it will be super scary to get the job in around March 2020. The first year working back in office after hiatus for about 5 years is super scary. Things changes fast. We did not know what will be happening in 2021. For sure, BI project change a lot of things, the pressure, the new skill acquired. Now, I don’t know what will be happened in 2024.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Desember 22, 2020 at 5:46 am

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Catatan akhir tahun 2019: Bersyukur

Naive: A word that is commonly used to negatively refer to a person who is very idealistic and believes in supposed non-existent social constructs such as “soulmates”, “true love”, “peace on earth” etc

However, this needs to be reversed as there is nothing wrong with it and those who hate on naive people are just envious their innocence was already brutally shattered by some tragic mishap (i.e. being dumped or cheated on). (Urban Dictionary)

Saya mendengar cerita ini sudah cukup lama, TNI/Polri adalah orang-orang yang paling mudah kena tipu. Saya mengamini ini. Seorang anggota Polri yang sehari-hari menangani kasus penipuan, tertipu oleh saudaranya sendiri. Seorang anggota TNI tertipu oleh rekan kerjanya sendiri. Tapi bukankah semua orang bisa berisiko kena tipu? fakta yang saya temukan, justru orang seperti ini mudah tertipu.

Penyebabnya? salah satunya adalah tingginya unsur kepercayaan pada keyakinan/cara berpikir mereka. Karena pekerjaannya mengedepankan kepercayaan, maka seringkali orang ini tidak sadar bahwa kepercayaan mereka disalahgunakan. Baru-baru ini saya bertemu seorang kontraktor TNI yang justru tertipu oleh karyawannya sendiri. Ironi, memang.

Tapi pertanyaannya, dengan segala ironi ini, mungkinkah ada TNI/Polri -atau kata ini diganti menjadi orang idealis, yang bisa hidup damai tanpa tertipu. Menurut saya hal ini tidak perlu dirubah. Saya merasa bahwa kenapa orang tersebut berhasil, karena kenaifannya, dan kenapa orang itu jatuh, juga karena kenaifannya. Jadi tidak perlu dirubah. Seperti orang yang belajar naik sepeda, untuk bisa naik sepeda pasti perlu jatuh. Tapi sakit karena jatuh ini pun masih selalu bisa diterima.

Revisited 30 September 2023: Tahun yang sangat berat by any metric, the transition process, the new home, the new job, everything. Even tough I made a perfect 2018, I don’ think that I might get survived in 2019, nor 2020.

6 Oktober 2023: inspired by article “gratitude is just a naive form of positive thinking”

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Desember 28, 2019 at 9:55 am

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Catatan akhir tahun 2018: Annus mirabilis & statistics

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Tahun 2018 ini menakjubkan sekali, annus mirabilis. Dengan pencatatan 95 Movies, 103 Books and Full Running 6×52 at 1,950 miles.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Desember 31, 2018 at 5:00 pm

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Catatan akhir 2017: Perubahan cara pikir

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Baru lihat dari mojok, bahwa tahun 2012 timeline sosial media isinya tentang kuliner dan wisata. Tentunya ini merepotkan karena tidak semua orang punya kemampuan untuk kuliner/wisata. Makanya ketika 2012 pilkada DKI, dilanjutkan 2013/2014 Pilpres, timeline berubah isinya politik, mungkin dalam jangka waktu lama atau pendek kita tidak tahu.

Seperti lari yang trendnya juga menurun. ref, ref, ref, ref, Getting a job via career-oriented social networking markets ref

Wiki: Selective_exposure_theory, Six_degrees_of_separation, Filter_bubble, Dunbar%27s_number

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Desember 31, 2017 at 10:04 am

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Catatan akhir tahun 2016: Sukses

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Waktu saya mulai berlari di April 2016, weekly running saya sekitar 20 miles/week atau sekitar 3 miles/day. Merasa bisa lebih dari itu, saya meningkatkan menjadi sekitar 30 miles/week atau sekitar 5 miles per day. Masih merasa bisa, saya tingkatkan lagi menjadi sekitar 40 miles/week atau sekitar 6 miles per day dengan satu long run half marathon per week.

Ternyata, segitu sajakah Marathon? saya kira bisa saya selesaikan dalam waktu kurang dari 4 jam. Dengan waktu latihan sekitar 3 bulan. Sama seperti latihan marathonnya Nike atau ASICS.

Happy Ending? ternyata tidak, 3 bulan meningkat jauh, bisa tercapai. Kemudian 3 bulan berikutnya jatuh. Alasannya mulai dari hujan, cuaca yang tidak bersahabat (angin), sakit (hay fever), sakit otot kaki hingga jenuh.

Ternyata lari tidak bisa dikarbit dalam waktu 3 bulan.
April-Mei-Jun: Increase
Jul-Aug-Sept: Decline
Oct-Nov-Des: Stable 30
Jan-Feb-Mar: Stable 40 (Plan)
Apr-Mei-Jun: Stable 50

Bulan Oct saya mulai memperbaiki rutinitas lari saya. Pokemon Go banyak membantu untuk membuat lari menjadi rutin. November, saya punya banyak waktu untuk fokus karena pulang ke Indonesia. Dan Desember, meski cuaca seringkali minus, ternyata resep rutinitas ini terbukti bisa dipraktekkan.

Per hari ini saya simpulkan, untuk membangun kebiasaan rutin, paling tidak butuh lebih dari 6 bulan dengan berbagai percobaan yang harus dilakukan.

Untuk kedepan, seharusnya saya tidak banyak mengubah pola berlari, yang mungkin nantinya saat bulan puncak bisa menjaga ritme di weekly 50. Kita lihat.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Desember 25, 2016 at 11:52 am

Ditulis dalam Health

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Catatan akhir 2015: Kesimpulan, mencatat dan jangan coba pecahkan masalah

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Catatan ini mengingatkan saya terhadap penemuan antibiotik pada tahun 1928 oleh Alexander Fleming, yang mana penemuan ini tidak sengaja dilakukannya. Dengan prinsip yang sama, saya mengingatkan agar tidak mencoba untuk memecahkan masalah. Akan lebih mudah untuk terus mencatat, kalau bisa dilakukan secara konsisten. Ini semua harus dilakukan sesederhana mungkin dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Desember 27, 2015 at 9:23 pm

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Catatan akhir tahun 2014: Psychology, why there are so many approach to do everything

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Last time I read that the answer of everything is Geography. The answer why West is more advance than the East, why America is so powerful and even by British is very important.

But today, I learned that there is no definitive answer for everything. Because human are very complex and we are know almost nothing (know only very small, so it considered almost nothing), because we are know nothing, and then we are making assumptions. Because of assumption, there will be many approach on everything.

Let see another question.

What construct a man (what can make a man success)?

His environment? then you are a behaviourist (watson) I remember some case that a smart and successful person, born from poor uneducated family. So this answer might fail.

His unconsious mind / childhood? then you are a psychodynamic (freud, jung, erikson) Looking at my child and compare with my sibling, I remember that once they born, they have something like blueprint of their behaviour

Inner feeling / self image? then you are humanism (maslow), people can control their behaviour I think in same cases, there will be a person that can control his behavior and be success.

The way of thinking? then you are cognitive (wundt) I remember this quote on the importance of ‘way of thinking’ usually in some ‘doctrine’ school

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Desember 21, 2014 at 11:19 pm

Ditulis dalam Business

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