Anjar Priandoyo

Catatan Setiap Hari

Keyakinan yang tidak perlu diyakini: Olahraga dan minum air: Exercise Myth

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Bahwa setelah lari itu harus minum air. Tidak perlu, karena kalau ini diyakini maka implikasinya adalah selama bulan puasa tidak akan pernah bisa berolahraga.

How much water should be drink a day

  • 3,6 liters (about 1.2 liter every meal: breakfast, dinner, lunch)
  • 2.0 liters (about 8 cups a day: 3 every meal (6,12,18), 3 in between meal (colorful: 3, 9, 3) 2 in beginning and end of the day (4, 20)

How much water should be drink after 1 hour running

  • 0.5-1 liters per hours
  • 2-3% per body weight (e.g 2% * 50kg = 1 liters)

Why Drinking Water All Day Long Is Not the Best Way to Stay Hydrated (Time 2019)
“People who are drinking bottles and bottles of water in between meals and with no food, they’re probably just peeing most of that out,” Nieman says. Also, the popular idea that constant and heavy water consumption “flushes” the body of toxins or unwanted material is a half-truth. While urine does transport chemical byproducts and waste out of the body, drinking lots of water on an empty stomach doesn’t improve this cleansing process, he says.

In some rare cases, excessive water consumption can even be harmful. “In athletes or people who are exercising for hours, if they’re only drinking water, they can throw out too much sodium in their urine, which leads to an imbalance in the body’s sodium levels,” explains Nieman, who has spent a chunk of his career investigating exercise-related hydration. Doctors call this imbalance “hyponatremia,” and in some cases it can be deadly. In this scenario, sports drinks and other beverages that contain nutrients and sodium are safer than plain water.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

April 21, 2024 pada 9:11 am

Ditulis dalam Science

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