Anjar Priandoyo

Catatan Setiap Hari

Use case, leverage, persona

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Iterate = Code for try something, do it wrong, and try it again in a slightly different way with the hopes of achieving a better result

Leverage = Use something — technology, partnerships, etc. — to your advantage.

Low Hanging Fruit = The easiest thing your company can do to bring cash in the door. Often hard to identify, but crucial for start-up success.

MVP = Minimum Viable Product. The bare-bones version of a product required to achieve proof of concept. Often used in the creation of new software that will be Beta tested, and later upgraded with extra features.

Scaleable = Something that can grow to a huge size because the market and demand is big enough or because you will be able to move into different markets with your product via Pivoting or Iterating (see above).

Persona = A profile of a product’s typical customer. Personas are used to help a product manager (and others in the organization involved with the product’s development) understand key traits, behaviors, goals, responsibilities, and needs of a specific type of user. A user persona refers to a fictional, generalized representation of the ideal target audience for your product or service. User personas capture the behavior, goals, needs, and characteristics of a particular demographic and segment to which a product or service caters. Essentially, they are created to provide a comprehensive understanding of the user base, which informs the decision-making process at various stages of business operations, such as marketing, product development, and UX design. User personas are based on existing customer data, insights from market research, and user behavior observations from your product.

Use case = A use case describes how a customer interacts with a system. A use case is a great way to help your audience understand how your product or service will be used by your customers. The use case is a story that showcases the pain you’re solving, and how an average customer would use your solution.

Keyword: jargon

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Senin, 24 Juni 2024 pada 8:04 pm

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