Anjar Priandoyo

Catatan Setiap Hari

Kebahagiaan terbesar dalam hidup

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Health is complex and is not clearly understood. 40% human life expectancy is inherited (generational wealth); 35-45 percent of wealth is inherited rather than self-made.

Saya pikir, kebahagiaan terbesar dalam hidup adalah ketika kita bisa membantu orang lain, tanpa pamrih. Seperti ketika membantu proses rekrutmen seorang calon karyawan yang sebenarnya tidak terlalu kualified. Atau, membantu seseorang yang meski kita tahu bahwa akan menyakiiti kita. Syaratnya menurut saya sederhana, tidak boleh memandang diri kita lebih baik, lebih tinggi, lebih mulia dari orang lain. Syarat pertamanya adalah mengakui bahwa kita setara.

Fenomena ini saya rasakan, ketika saya menyadari bahwa decline rate itu lebih jauh lebih cepat daripada increase/growing rate. Proses penambahan berat badan saya jauh lebih cepat dari proses peningkatan kualitas makan saya. Maksudnya meskipun saya mengalami peningkatan kualitas makan, tapi faktor penuaan (ageing) membuat laju penambahan berat badan saya lebih cepat dari peningkatan kualitas makan dimana saya harus dipaksa punya peningkatan makan dalam kecepatan 2x lebih besar.

Dokter sebut penurunan massa otot dimulai pada usia 35 tahun (antaranews)

Aging is a complex process indicated by low energy levels, declined physiological activity, stress induced loss of homeostasis leading to the risk of diseases and mortality. Recent developments in medical sciences and an increased availability of nutritional requirements has significantly increased the average human lifespan worldwide. Several environmental and physiological factors contribute to the aging process. However, about 40% human life expectancy is inherited among generations, many lifespan associated genes, genetic mechanisms and pathways have been demonstrated during last decades. Genes and Longevity of Lifespan

Muscle mass decreases approximately 3–8% per decade after the age of 30 and this rate of decline is even higher after the age of 60. This involuntary loss of muscle mass, strength, and function is a fundamental cause of and contributor to disability in older people. Declining muscle mass is part of aging. One of the most striking effects of age is the involuntary loss of muscle mass, strength, and function, termed sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is the age-related progressive loss of muscle mass and strength. The main symptom of the condition is muscle weakness. The etiology of sarcopenia is not clearly understood, but several mechanisms have been proposed. At the cellular level, specific age-related alterations include a reduction in muscle cell number, muscle twitch time and twitch force, sarcoplasmic reticulum volume and calcium pumping capacity

Progressive decline in brain weight begins at about 45 to 50 years of age and reaches its lowest values after age 86 years, by which time the mean brain weight has decreased by about 11% relative to the maximum brain weight attained in young adults (about 19 years of age). Changes in brain weights during the span of human life: relation of brain weights to body heights and body weights (Dekaban 1978)

Ageing changes in body shape (medlineplus) The human body is made up of fat tissue, lean tissue (muscles and organs), bones, and water. After age 30, people tend to lose lean tissue. Your muscles, liver, kidney, and other organs may lose some of their cells. This process of muscle loss is called atrophy. Bones may lose some of their minerals and become less dense (a process that may lead to a condition called osteopenia in the early stages and osteoporosis in the later stages). Tissue loss reduces the amount of water in your body. The amount of body fat goes up steadily after age 30. Older people may have almost one third more fat compared to when they were younger. Fat tissue builds up toward the center of the body, including around the internal organs. However, the layer of fat under the skin gets smaller.

Changes in total body weight vary for men and women. Men often gain weight until about age 55, and then begin to lose weight later in life. This may be related to a drop in the male sex hormone testosterone. Women usually gain weight until age 65, and then begin to lose weight. Weight loss later in life occurs partly because fat replaces lean muscle tissue, and fat weighs less than muscle.

Historical convention was really that with different life cycle changes — of puberty, of pregnancy, of menopause — we thought that there was some shift in metabolism and it impacted nutrition status and how we approached things from a nutrition standpoint,” she said. “This high-level rigorous assessment does not show that.” Metabolism in adulthood does not slow as commonly believed, study finds Metabolic rate remains stable all through adult life, from age 20 to 60 years old. (nbcnews)

Inheritance Matters. An estimated 35 to 45 percent of wealth is inherited rather than self-made, according to Kopczuk’s review of the literature. ( Although it easy to lose, 70% wealthy families lose their wealth by the second generation, 90% lose their wealth by the third generation. For some middle- or low-income people, inherited assets can represent up to one-third of a person’s wealth. Wealth concentration. The share of total wealth owned by the top 0.1 percent increased from 7 percent in late 1970 to 22 percent in 2012, according to a new paper by Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Selasa, 25 Juni 2024 pada 4:31 am

Ditulis dalam Health

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