Anjar Priandoyo

Catatan Setiap Hari

Perfect start

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Perfect start, C7 sejauh ini mungkin merupakan training field yang paling kompleks yang pernah saya jalani, specifically P08. Dan kalau dilihat lebih jauh, P08 adalah corporate, dan bukan consulting. Corporate is the biggest and the most efficient money making system. Corporate is very long project, with very big contract, with very big money. But how do you sail corporate? I don’t know. I think it is a whole new territory with a lot of opportunity.

The whole foundation of consulting business is on the assumption that corporate having inefficiencies which then outsourced. And those inefficiencies create other efficiency which is limited by the growth of the 10 percent rule, the limit of ecosystem.

Written by Anjar Priandoyo

Senin, 17 Juni 2024 pada 9:19 am

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